One word to Describe 2012: WOW!
From start to finish we have been building up steam. It has been amazing. We started the year with being being offered warehouse space and now we are pretty much all by ourselves in a 20,000 sqft warehouse! This is incredible in the fact that it has allowed us to increase in donations we can receive. Before we were working out of a truck: this meant we would pick up the donations, park the truck, open the back, sort through all that came in, and then deliver it from place to place until we were empty. It took hours to do this and would eat up most of our day.
But now with the warehouse we can pick up a donation, drop it off, and go back for more. I think the most donations we have received from a wholesaler who kept saying "Can you come back to pick up another load" was 108 pallets of items in a two week time period.
Isn't she Grand!
We have given to a total of 35 groups and have been able to expand to giving to 4 other cities besides in Stockton: Manteca, Tracy, Elk Grove and Bakersfield. This year we were also able to give to a a dear friend who goes down to Mexico to help with Medical missions we gave him lots of blood pressure monitors for his next outreach he will be involved in.
This years a total of 914,499.94 dollars worth of food, clothes, furniture, toys, school supplies, office supplies, medical supplies and more came in and was then redistributed free of charges to the groups we give to and Adopt-a-Block.
For 2013 God said it would be the year of New Beginnings. This year we want and plan to open a Free Store to the community. Where those in need can come in and pick up some items they need, free of charge.
It still needs work and time but it is one of our goals to have this up and running.
Our other goal/plan is to start a Free Grocery Give Away once a week to the community. Where people would line up and we would take them through our lot to receive groceries for FREE. We are so excited about this and being more hands on with the community. With this we would approach more food wholesalers and different places than we have in the past.
This is going to be an awesome year.
So put on your seat belts its going to be a high speed bumpy ride!!!
And we can't wait.
To God be the Glory!
From all of us here at Supplying Needs
God Bless,
The Crew
A little boy whose family received from us at the Free Clothes Give Away in September.