Friday, September 30, 2011
Bread of Life Organization
Bread of Life is a ministry that is wonderful and has such a big heart. They have many sponsors that help them and we are so excited and feel privileged that we be can one of those sponsors that help with food to this group.
This YouTube clip is all about Bread of Life and what they do. We are excited to call them friends.
Friday, September 23, 2011
We have also participated in a lot more community outreach events this year than we have in the past two years:
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Free Toy Give Away
Lets start at the beginning shall we. So August 8 at 4 in the morning God showed me the free toy give away. I saw all these toys being given to tons of kids. I was so excited and said "Let's do it in December for the Christmas holiday"
God said "I don't want it around a holiday"
I said "November"
God "NO"
Me " October"
God "No"
Me "Not September Daddy anything but September"
God "September 9th"
I started to beg and plead with God in such a way i had never pleaded before that I thought He was for sure going to change his mind. After I was done groveling and pleading God said "I want to get all the Glory"
In which I replied "Oh you will if we do it in December you will, All the glory I won't get any as well as any one else. I promise Daddy you will get all the glory." Needless to say He never budged. So September 9th it was.
A week after everything was rolling I got up in the morning to spend time with God and said "God we don't have any toys, not one. I know you said to do this event but I am so nervous and don't' know what to do. Supplying Needs has never received much Toys I don't have a toy contact."
My God was so caring and said to me "Dess it is going to be like the feeding of the 5,000 with 2 fish and 5 loaves. You will have enough for everyone and there will be left overs."
Just to give an understanding Jesus was teaching 5,000 men plus women and children. THey had no food so he took a boys lunch of 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread and was able to feed all those people plus they had 12 baskets of food left over. So i understood that God was going to supply all we needed for this event plus we would have left overs.
The same day God had told me about the "leftovers" A man that allows Supplying Needs to keep our truck in his warehouse parking lot called and said that his family had just moved and was going to have a garage sale but didn't have enough time. if we could come and get all the items they were going to sell. Joel went and picked it up that day and to our great surprise 15 of the 19 boxes were kids, clothes, books, movies, and toys. Our friend didn't even know God told us to have a free toy give away. We were so excited.
The next week we had a load of food donated to Supplying Needs and God put a group on my heart to give to. When we got to their property they were so grateful and thanked us because their pantry was almost empty. Then it popped in my head that they receive toy donations as well. So I asked them if they had any toys they could help us out with for the event. Again to my great surprise they said they never keep the toys they get but give them all to other groups or something like that. They gave us a few bags full of nice toys and said they would hold toys just for us for the event. We received 2 more bus loads full of toys from them through out the month.
We had donations coming from the north, south, east and west. It was amazing. My dear friend Diahanna said we could keep toys in her empty garage that she had just cleaned out. So we would bring the donated toys to our garage and go through them then take them to Diahanna's garage to store. Our garage would get so full of toys that we could not put any more in so we would take them over and by the next day if not that same day we would get more toys from other sources and our garage would be full again. It was so amazing to see God work.
Also my hearts desire was to have free raffle prizes for the kids. Bikes of all things. We advertised that we needed bikes but not one came it. So a week and a half before the event I was talking to God and told him that if He wanted us to have bikes than please provide but if not I was going to be fine with it. Well a few days later in the mail I get a package from my dear friend in LA. We email back and forth telling each other what God is doing in our lives. I had mentioned that God asked me to do a Free Toy Give-AWAY but that is all I really said. In the package was a card that said use this money for what ever you need for your event and in it was a check for 1,500 dollars. Can you believe it. I asked God what to do with it and he said it was for my bikes that I had been wanting. i said oh that is wonderful and i can buy a few more things we need for the event as well God said No it is for bikes only.
So we went the day before the event and bought 19 brand new bikes for $1,500.82. Isn't God just so awesome.
So the day of the event we were setting up. All the games, movies, clothes, and books and some toys. We had all the tables up and chairs and everything was in place. then it started to rain. And rain and then thunder and lightening close to us. People were freaking out. I was even freaking out because we had weather issues the last time God told me to do an event. But after praying and talking to God and God saying JUST TRUST ME we just went about what we were doing. And about 15 minutes before the event officially started it had stopped raining where we were at and was sunny and hot. But through the event you could see a wall of rain all around us on all four sides as well as lightening. God likes to show off I believe (In a good way of course) People came out we had about 180 people for the event church members and people we had never seen before.
People would come on to the property and immediately receive one raffle ticket for the bike give away. Then they could look through clothes, or go get movies, books, and games. There was a table for balloon animals, face painting, and helium balloons. There were 6 tables set up for arts and crafts for parents and kids. I even saw some painting piggy banks. It was amazing. Then at 7:30 all the tables shut down to do 3 skits for everyone that were so hilarious and told about Jesus's love for us. Right after the skits we asked if any one wanted Jesus as their Lord and savior or prayer. 5-7 families came up. By that time it was dark and we had not planned for that. We had no light. So the Safeway that we share a parking lot with had their lights. So after prayer we did the free raffle for the 19 bikes. And everyone was loving it, parents and kids, adults and youth. They were reading their ticket from their cell phone light or the safeway light. And not one person left because it was dark!!! There were so many stories of kids needing bikes to get to school or a family just had 4 bikes stolen from them a little bit ago and they received 2 bikes that night. A little girl I know loves princesses and got a princess bike. And another little girl won a bike and would not get off of it. Even when it was time for every child to receive a toy she just sat on her bike NOT moving and didn't want to get off not matter how much the mom tried and some of our members tried she loved her new bike so much.
So after the raffle we had two lines. 2 mini buses were packed with toys with tables in front to put some of the toys. And the kids each received at least one toy. A person came up to me and said "Okay Dess all the kids have received a toy can we tell them to come back and get as much as they want" so that is what I did I got on the mic and said just that and you could see kids running to get back in line. I even saw a family that was almost to their car turn back around to get more toys. It was amazing.
And Guess what we still had toys left over. Just like God promised. It was a night I will never forget. My God took care of everything from toys, to books, to bikes, to the help we needed.
And this same God who takes care of me can supplying all your needs according to His glorious riches which have been given to us in Christ Jesus -Phillipians 4:19