Supplying Needs has teamed up with Victory in Praise Church with their program called Adopt-a-Block (AAB). Here is a testimony of what is happening with (AAB) that is making a difference in the community.
Don't know if you know it but we are with a ministry at our church called Adopt-a-block (AAB) where we have adopted an apartment complex and go there every week to build relationships with the people and meet their needs. There is mom of a family that has been asking me 4 or 5 times if our church would provide a Christmas for them since they could not afford it. We agreed the first time so I laughed every time it was brought up thinking "Did she not remember that she had asked me already. or Doesn't she know I want to help her family out???" Any way her and husband when they got married combined their kids and had some of their own so they have a total of 11 kids. But she only asked if we could provide Christmas for the two youngest ones.
I have been praying about this for a while and wondering how we are going to do it. Since the people that do AAB with us are mostly 17 and under. With only 3 consistent adults. I thought maybe I could make a list and divide up what we need to give them a Christmas. It was mainly hanging over my head with no real good answer.
Then one day we get a call from a guy who goes to the church and works at a fast food place. He said every year they adopt a family and give them Christmas by providing 2,500 dollars worth of food and presents. And this year they had no clue who to give to so we came to his mind that we would know a family in need. So he told his boss and his boss said get on it. He gave me the number of the lady in charge of adopting a Christmas family. For 2 weeks I was in shock thinking they will probably say thanks but no thanks we have some one else in mind. But they are actually doing it. And they want to be anonymous. Can you believe it. I am so excited. Now the whole family gets a Christmas. Isn't that just wonderful.
And I got another email from a girl that goes to my church that says she is in a club that wants to adopt a family and I have one that is living in a hotel and is going through a rough time.
And there was another family at AAB that needed a couch and love seat. They had nothing in their living room. I sent out a note on FB and with in 10 minutes someone told me about a couple that had a couch and love seat to give a way. They not only gave me those two items but lamps and a chair and a coffee table. We were able to go and pick it up with SN's bus. How awesome is that?
I am blown away by God and His provision. In Matthew it says "You need to seek God's Kingdom First and His Righteousness and then everything you need will be given to you." I am putting in my own words. So in other words I need to do what God is asking me to do and surrender my life so He can help me be more like Christ and He will help me with ALL my needs. What an awesome God I serve.
Thank you Jesus!!!
We are excited to be teaming up and participating in Adopt-A-Block which changes lives. SN knows of so many families in need and it is awesome we can team up with other people to help the poor, need, and hungry be provided for especially this holiday season.